
The Right Path

I trudged through the woods

Battling the underbrush

Lost, not knowing where to go.

Only knowing that onward I must go

… A path I found

Where only a few had trodden

But doubts arose in me.

Perhaps the path was only

My imagination to keep me sane,

In a lost land ….

Repeatedly I found myself

Trudging through brambled bushes

Repeatedly I found trails

And battled with my senses.

Trails of fantasy or trails of reality?

I searched for truth

While struggling with doubts.

But onward I pressed.

In my search, markers were found.

I followed where others before me

Had found the way.

The trail grew wider and more distinct.

I knew I was on the right path.

I became a follower.

From a lost land the trail led me

Out of the forest of darkness

Into meadows of peacefulness.

It was there that I could see

At a distance behind me, tiny trails ….

Some disappearing forever

Others merging through time.

I began to understand where I had been.

I began to appreciate where I am.

I began to shout

So that others would hear,

So that others could find their way

To explore their purpose in life

As I now am.

Larry Chartrand
